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The oaklog messageboard is home to most of the discussion that happens on the site. It's where oakloggers' personalities shine through most forcefully. Therefore, it's important to know and remember that when bickering and insults occur, which can be often, they're usually meant humorously. oaklog is a community of people who like each other. Newcomers to the site are encouraged to get a feel for the board before they start posting in earnest.

Messageboard threads and posts are visible to all users of the site. They cannot be hidden, edited, or deleted, so think carefully before you submit threads or posts.

start a new thread

Scroll to the create a new thread area at the bottom of the main talk.oaklog page. Enter a thread title and the first post in the thread. The messageboard recognizes several basic HTML commands. Before you click "submit," make sure to glance at the preview pane lower on the page to make sure that your HTML looks all right. You can also clean up your post using the spell check function at the lower right.

When everything looks good, click "submit." Your new thread appears at the top of the table of recent threads.

view or post to a thread

To view your new thread, or any other, click the thread's name. You'll see the twenty earliest (or most recent, depending on your preferences) posts in the thread, with links to view the rest of the posts. Add a post by scrolling down to the reply to this thread section at the bottom of the thread page. Type your post. You can use the same HTML and spell check tools discussed above.

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skye's log

Multiphasi's log

cory's log

stacey's log

d's log